10 Business Process Outsourcing Trends in 2016

10 Business Process Outsourcing Trends in 2016


Outsourcing has definitely become a key solution to many businesses in boosting their productivity, efficiency and thereby getting closer to their organizational goals even while dealing with complex and wide range of requirements. As every business is targeting the global market, offshore data entry services has become a vital resource bank for all types of data entry requirements ranging from product catalogues and employee data to patient records and financial data. These are crucial information which needs to be input meticulously and often need a separate taskforce to complete the assignment. Otherwise too, the following 10 trends in business process outsourcing are to be watched out for in 2016:

1) Data Security becomes a vital part of outsourcing

With more and more organizations outsourcing their vital and major work to 3rd parties, data security is one major concern many people had. 2016 will be a year when data security will be given prime importance by the outsourcing partners.

2) Cloud services are outsourced

Connectivity matters a lot to most of the innovative solutions and cloud services offer a great solution, especially while dealing with real-time or time sensitive information. With cloud, a lot of connectivity issues are sorted out which keeps your service connected to your customer throughout.

3) Quality is more important than cost and time savingquality

While 2 of the major reasons behind offshore outsourcing are cost-cutting and time-saving, 2016 will look forward to quality services as the prime reason behind outsourcing. Expert technicians or solution providers who delivery quality products and services are what organizations will look forward to in this year.

4) Global resource repositories are sought for specialized services

When the resources are no longer bound by location or employment rules, they provide better services. Outsourcing opens up the global resource repositories from where you can hire specialized resources for completing a specific task or a set of tasks for short-term as well as long-term.

5) Centralized procurement’s

procurementAs far as the retailers and wholesalers are concerned, they can concentrate on their global market and make the most of outsourcing quality products and services from 3rd parties. Managing multiple vendors is a major issue confronted by many large organizations and when you outsource all your procurement’s to a 3rd party, you can concentrate more on boosting your business.

6) Reach out to more locations, locally

By outsourcing marketing and sales to 3rd parties, you can now reach out globally with a local resource. You can open up new stores or offices by outsourcing the same as a franchise or a similar pattern whereby you can make the most of local resources working for a global audience.

7) Better client servicing

client-servicingWhen you have experts handling client servicing, your clients are happier and may recommend more of your products and services among their connections or friends.

8) Detailed and unbiased marketing research

One common work most of the organizations prefer not to do is marketing research, especially in newer places. The best way to analyze a new market is to Outsource Web Research Services to competent 3rd parties which is one of the trending aspects of 2016.

9) Giving out a social message

You may have the resources or the time and money to recruit fresh talents, but when you are outsourcing to the less privileged society, you are giving them an opportunity to better their lives. 2016 will see many organizations giving out a social message through outsourcing.

10) Risk managed

Risk management is another aspect which will be given a lot of importance while outsourcing in 2016.

  • Written by Jack Smith, Sat Sep 17 2016