Microsoft Excel Vs SPSS Statistics Software: Which Would You Use for Market Research?

Microsoft Excel Vs SPSS Statistics Software: Which Would You Use for Market Research?

market research

Marketing research is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting the data about potential customers, markets, products or services and competitors. Market research provides wealth of information that helps organizations to make effective business decisions. There are statistical and analytical methods and tools to process the data. Organizations can use the information collected from market research to predict the future of your business, customer behavior and market situation.

Generally, we use specialized tools like SPSS Statistics and Microsoft Excel for processing the data. The spreadsheet application known as Microsoft Excel is used to perform the process of data analysis in the earlier period. Nowadays, SPSS Statistics is the most venerable and used statistical software package for data processing. SPSS software is more suitable to carry out statistical tests and it is designed with modern data collection methods. Moreover, SPSS software automatically identifies the variable and keys these coded values to their original meanings.

Though SPSS is looks like Excel spreadsheet, SPSS is much better when it comes to data processing. Here are some points o understand the significance of SPSS over Microsoft Excel:


  • SPSS has a wide variety of charts and graphs to opt for more suitable one.
  • SPSS Pivot Tables are easy to use and enables to do more functions than with the Excel Pivot Tables.
  • The use of SPSS for data processing saves your valuable time and increases the efficiency of your business.
  • SPSS allows you to create tables and charts for subsets easily by using the function “Split”.
  • SPSS lets you do descriptives easily and quickly than in Excel.

SPSS is the best possible option to conduct statistical analysis. Effective data management is the most important benefit of using SPSS software. SPSS offers more functions to organize data automatically. In SPSS, row stands for cases whereas column stands for variables so, it makes data analysis much easier. SPSS offers a wide variety of charts and graphs to interpret the data because it is specially designed for analyzing statistical data. SPSS software is also embedded with more techniques to prepare the data for further analysis. Furthermore, SPSS statistics software organizes the data effectively by saving output and data in separate files.

microsoft excelMany companies are there to provide data research services for business organizations to save their time and resources. Data ENTRY India BPO is one of the global outsourcing companies in India to provide advanced web research services giving more importance to market research services. Our experienced staffs with well-maintained infrastructure are capable to provide deep research on business trends, strategies and product planning. Our web research services include web data mining and listing, database building, product market research, company research, address validation, competitor web research and product trend web research.

If your company is looking for an outsourcing market research service provider, you can outsource web research services to Data Entry India BPO. By using SPSS software, we can provide you with quick and accurate data analysis.

  • Written by Jack Smith, Mon Feb 29 2016