Merits of Having a Single-Source Outsourcing Partner

Merits of Having a Single-Source Outsourcing Partner

Data is everywhere. If you say a word, show a signal, do an action, there is information, and it can get represented as data. No wonder it has prime importance in business. In other words, data is associated with every process that contains information, but business organizations have to handle it in a different style. Interestingly, almost 1.7 megabytes of new information getting created every second by human beings. Yes, handling data is a big challenge. In other words, data seems simple at first glance, but it is the most vital thing that needs to consider when handling an organization. What are the most updated techniques to handle data information efficiently? We think it is high time to discuss the possible benefits of BPO services in data handling, and it is somewhat inevitable.

When every knowledge worker consumes 41% of their energy on a back-office operation like data entry, data processing, data conversion, and so on, let us move on to the benefits of joining hands with a single-source outsourcing partner. Single source outsourcing has increased its popularity among business entrepreneurs for various reasons, which we should discuss in detail. In a nutshell, it can reduce variations in the output, enhance optimization in the supply chain, lower production costs, and create a better value for customers and stakeholders. It is considered the best outsourcing method in terms of effective utilization of resources. Compared to multiple sourcing, it helps reduce the organizational hurdles related to data handling. Also, it will lead your business organization to limitless benefits.

Let us find out some merits in single sourcing.

Better Accountability

When you hire a single-source BPO service provider, they will have complete responsibility for the entire process. If the final output gets delayed, erroneous, or ineffective, the blame goes to the provider, not to anyone else. This sense of responsibility makes single-sourcing better accountable. It can also result in better communication as they are in direct contact with the firm, which leads to a better understanding of the type of data handling requirement they have undertaken. Also, the hurdles for making effective communication and language barriers can get avoided. You can compare it to communicating with multiple providers located at different time zones in the world.

Saving Time and Cost

Outsourcing itself can reduce the human energy getting consumed to document the details of your clients, analyzing, verifying, and updating regularly. But hiring multiple agencies to handle various data management projects can also lead us to face the same issues of wasting time and money. At the time when a reputed BPO company experienced in providing customized outputs can meet these requirements, single-source outsourcing is more beneficial in saving time and operational cost. Since the pricing may differ for different providers, it can become a headache for you to make a proper decision too. This helps the firm to allocate their time and energy for more core areas of business that lead to more productivity and profitability.

Better Time Zone Benefits

The main advantage of hiring an outsourcing partner is to provide time zone benefits since they can work remotely. It can help you get data entry projects completed just after one night’s peaceful sleep since the outsourcing partner is in another time zone doing the work the time you sleep. The net result is achieving the efficiency of working 24 hours a day which improves business management. But when you go for many outsourcing partners at a time, it is not necessary to get these benefits since they can belong to different time zones providing different turnaround times. When moving along with single-source outsourcing, you get the chance to select the right provider with the best time zone benefits that you find beneficial.

Better Security and Transparency

The major anxiety in outsourcing is about the security that it can provide. When the data can contain confidential and valuable information, those who can ensure better security and safety measures can get priorities. Virus threats, cyber-attacks, data losses, and any other can cause you serious trouble, that you do not wish to happen when handing over the data documents to an outsourcing partner. Here, single sourcing can become more effective since we can get a better chance of accessing and verifying the process. On the other hand, it is hard to check the security measures of every BPO company that you have hired for various purposes. Single sourcing also builds business trust since you get more chances to verify the quality of their performance.

Boosts Brand Image

As we have mentioned earlier, hiring different partners for various data management projects can bring a variety of outputs. It will eventually result in getting a result that lacks uniqueness. When the same outsourcing bpo partner can bring you project-based solutions, different outsourcing partners for the same project will bring an irregularity in the data management that may affect the brand building. For example, if all the customer service operations get assigned to a single call center outsourcing agency, it ensures consistency of the brand message in all interactions. It is why single sourcing can help in providing uniqueness in the outputs that will lead your employees to get a unified outlook about the brand. It influences the internal functioning of the organization as well as customer feedback at the same time.

Better Business Growth

All the factors mentioned above point to one thing that is the considerable growth in your productivity, as single-source outsourcing helps you improve the smooth functioning of your business organization. Single-sourcing offers a platform where it is easier to create and maintain a strong bonding between both parties. Setting a timeline and workflow for your outsourcing partner gives you more space for planning and implementing futuristic business strategies. You will be able to capitalize more on more business instead of handing in pure technical works.

All you need to do is finding the right BPO service provider that can provide you customized solutions without failure, which is not very simple when the availability of outsourcing agencies is more than we require.


We have witnessed a huge economic setback in business after the pandemic since the mode of marketing has tremendously changed. The exponentially increasing popularity of online platforms has influenced our lives like, you can never live without a digital transaction in this society. The piling up of digital data is thus becoming a hot topic among business entrepreneurs, and everyone knows its importance. As every expert can agree, those who fail to have a better strategy for outsourcing will not move forward along the fast-moving world. But those who turn their heads towards a BPO service provider will move back in time.

As a reputed outsourcing agency focusing on data entry, data processing, data analysis, and many other back-office projects, Data Entry India BPO can be the right choice for single-source outsourcing. Our expert team can ensure transparency, customization, cost-effectiveness, and every other benefit that we discussed already. Since we give prime concern for complex data management projects in the desired time frame, you can be sure that the output will never disappoint you. Drop a mail to to move along with us and have the best experience of outsourcing.

  • Written by Jack Smith, Fri Oct 15 2021